1. To ensure that bankruptcy cases are administered in an organized and effective manner in line with Insolvency Act [Act 360] and Insolvency Rules 2017;
2. To supervise and monitor the administration of bankruptcy cases by 21 branches including:
(a) Advertising and service of Bankruptcy Order;
(b) Conducting initial investigation into the assets, liabilities and affairs of bankrupts through interview sessions and filing of Statement of Affairs;
(c) Summoning and conducting the First Meeting of Creditors and General Meeting of Creditors;
(d) To discover and identify the details of bankrupt's assets;
(e) Realizing the bankrupt's assets by way of private contract or public auction;
(f) Monitoring the conduct and affairs of bankrupts;
(g) To examine, admit or reject the Proof of Debt filed by the creditors;
(h) To declare and distribute dividend to the creditors
3. Coordinating policies, instructions and procedures on administration of bankruptcy cases throughout the 21 branches;
4. Processing and consider the appeals by bankrupts under Section 85 (4) of the Insolvency Act 1967;
5. Processing and consider the appeals by bankrupts under Section 38(1)(a)(b)(c)(d) and (e) of the Insolvency Act 1967;
6. Processing and considering application for discharge by way of the Director General of Insolvency's Certificate of Discharge under Section 33A of Insolvency Act 1967;
7. Managing the application by bankrupts for the realization of assets;
8. Processing and considering application for registration as Nominee;
9. Processing and considering application for Automatic Discharge under Section 33C of the Insolvency Act 1967
There are 5 units under Bankruptcy Division as follows:
• Preparing and drafting policies, guidelines and instructions on the administration of bankruptcy cases;
• Drafting and reviewing Manual Procedure (MPK) of the Bankruptcy Division;
• Collecting and preparing monthly, quarterly and annual report of Bankruptcy Division;
• Collecting and preparing statistics of bankruptcy cases throughout the 21 branches;
• Monitoring and ensuring that the Division's strategic plan is achieved;
• Preparing and providing slides presentation for any formal workshop, courses and briefings on bankruptcy matter;
• Organizing and attending any meetings with stakeholders and any other related agencies;
• Preparing minutes of meetings and to provide feedback on minutes of meetings; and
• Organizing visits, appointments and task force to selected branches.
• Handling sale and purchase of the bankrupt's movable and immovable assets;
• Providing advice and guidance to bankrupts, lawyers, and buyers on issues pertaining to realization of bankrupt's assets;
• Providing feedbacks on enquiries and complaints on issues pertaining to realization of bankrupt's assets; and
• Preparing monthly report for realization of bankrupts' assets.
• Processing bankrupt's appeal under Section 38 of the Insolvency Act 1967;
• Processing bankrupt's appeal under Section 85 (4) of the Insolvency Act 1967;
• Processing other general applications by the bankrupts;
• Providing feedback on complaint letters and inquiries pertaining to applications or appeals under Sections 38, 85 (4) of the Insolvency Act 1967 or general application; and
• Preparing and maintaining monthly statistics for appeals under Sections 38 and 85 (4) of Insolvency Act 1967 as well as for other general application by the bankrupts.
• Processing and managing discharge application by bankrupts through the DGI Certificate;
• Processing and managing creditors' objection pertaining to DGI's intention to discharge the bankrupt from bankruptcy;
• Managing the issuance of Certificate of Discharge by the branches;
• Providing feedback on complaints and inquiries regarding discharge from bankruptcy through DGI's Certificate of Discharge; and
• Preparing and maintain monthly reports on discharge from bankruptcy through DGI's Certificate of Discharge.
• Processing applications for registration as Nominee;
• Managing and provide certificate for registration as Nominee;
• Preparing and maintaining register book on Nominees;
• Preparing statistics on applications and appointments as Nominees;
• Processing application for automatic discharge;
• Preparing Target Contribution for automatic discharge; and
• Preparing and maintaining statistics on automatic discharge.