Liquidation Division


• The Liquidation Division acts as an administrator to carry out duties in administering the affairs on company winding up cases and deregistration of societies and trade union to ensure that the liquidation process is in accordance with the rules and provisions of the law to enable the agency to perform its functions effectively and efficiently.

The Liquidation Division also functions in monitoring Approved Liquidator's role in administering the affairs of winding up cases in accordance with the rules and provisions of the law.

i. Project Monitoring Office Unit (PMO)

• Monitoring administration of winding up companies and deregistration of societies and trade union;
• Collecting statistic of winding up cases and deregistration of societies and trade union;
• Plainning, formulating and setting annual projects and targets for the department/ division and also to issue Departmental Directive, Code of Practise or Guidelines;

• Analyzing and providing instruction to all operational and legislative issues involving winding-up cases, societies and trade unions matters referred by branches;
• Providing feedback on complaints and inquiries from complainants or external agencies related to the winding up of companies, societies and trade unions; and
• Attending internal/external meetings with stakeholders or any government or private agencies.

ii. Asset And Conveyancing Unit

• Entertaining application from branches to be presented in Asset Sales Committe Meeting (JUJA) for further instructions in order to sell the immovable and movable property and things in action of the company by public auction, public tender or private contract;
• Executing individual/strata title in the name and on behalf of the wound up company referred from branches; and
• To execute 'Consent By Developer' in the name and on behalf of the wound up company for buyers without individual/strata title referred from branches.

iii. Control Of Approved Liquidator Unit (PYD)

• Controlling approved liquidator in accordance with law;
• Managing and appointing application of MdI Agents for wound up company and to monitor the agents during the agreement period; and
• Providing feedback and clarification on complaints and inquiries from the creditors, contributories, complainants, or publics with regard to performance of approved liquidator's duties.unit also answered complaint which related transfer of property.