1. What payment method is accepted by MdI?
1. What payment method is accepted by MdI?
Payment via online can be made through the e-Insolvency Portal which can be browsed through the link https://e-insolvensi.mdi.gov.my/. Payment methods received over the MdI payment counter are as follows:i. Cash (Not exceeding RM3,000);ii. Bank...
2. Can payment be made for bankrupt who are abroad?
2. Can payment be made for bankrupt who are abroad?
Online payment through e-Insolvency Portal can be made if the individual has a savings account or current account at a local bank that provides Financial Process Exchange (FPX) services.
3. Which banks provide FPX services?
3. Which banks provide FPX services?
The list of banks that provide FPX services can be browsed through the following link https://www.paynet.my/fpx/banks-tpa.html.
4. What should be done if the payment is not received due to invalid bank account?
4. What should be done if the payment is not received due to invalid bank account?
Please contact MdI branches which makes the payment and submit the account number together with a copy of the active account book or bank statement. Replacement payment will be made after the branch receives the supporting documents.
5. What are the supporting documents needed to refund deposit relating to “withdrawn cases” or “null and void cases”?
5. What are the supporting documents needed to refund deposit relating to “withdrawn cases” or “null and void cases”?
Claim should be made by writing to MdI’s office by enclosing supporting documents as follows:
i. Sworn affidavit from the petitioner confirming the creditor's petition was withdrawn; orii. Minutes by the Insolvency Officer from the Court Unit who...
6. Where can I get the Indemnity Bond Form?
6. Where can I get the Indemnity Bond Form?
Indemnity Bond Form can be downloaded through the MdI website or at all MdI Branches including headquarters.
7. How long does it take to update a bankrupt estate ledger after payment is made?
7. How long does it take to update a bankrupt estate ledger after payment is made?
Bankrupt estate ledger is updated by real time after the payment has been successfully made if the payment are done through the e-Insolvency Portal or through the MdI payment counter.
8. Can installment payments be made less than the amount fixed to be paid?
8. Can installment payments be made less than the amount fixed to be paid?
Installment payment must be paid according to the amount fixed every month. However, if there is any problem to make the fixed monthly payment, the bankrupt is advised to contact the officer who administers the case.
9. What action will be taken if there is unclaimed deposit?
9. What action will be taken if there is unclaimed deposit?
The deposit will be credited into the Unclaimed Money Account (WTD). However, the deposit can still be claimed by submitting the documents as follows:
i. Application letter;ii. A copy of identity card;iii. An active and verified applicant bank...
10. What cost should be borne by the bankrupt/winding-up company after their assets has been realized by MdI?
10. What cost should be borne by the bankrupt/winding-up company after their assets has been realized by MdI?
Fees are charged according to Insolvency Rules 2017 and Companies (Winding-Up) Rules 1972.
11. What are the causes of the dividend payment not processing?
11. What are the causes of the dividend payment not processing?
The causes of dividend payments cannot be processed are as follows:i. Creditors do not/fail to submit active bank account information and certified account statements;ii. Information such as account number, address and personal information of...
12. What will happen if the dividend remains unclaimed for more than six months?
12. What will happen if the dividend remains unclaimed for more than six months?
All unclaimed dividends after a period of six months as well as the final dividend declared will remain in the Bankruptcy Estate Account within 7 years. Then, if the dividend remains unclaimed, it will be credited into the Consolidated Fund....
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